Goblin Valley State Park

SCC Release Notes

Version 31.0 (May 2024 ... ) Pages with a major rebuild bear versions v31.n.
Version 30.2.1 (May & June 2024) Galleries displaying this version have had the auto-show popup installed (if I remembered to add the version update line).
Version (July 2021): Minor styles update for Firefox upgrade (v89.0) that blew out our 1200x900px viewport design (fixed in Firefox 89.0.2).
Version 30.2 (March 2021): Rewriting cycling banners with javascript, replacing jQuery.cycle (jQuery.cycle doesn't like our code).
Version 30.1 (January 2021): Updated javascript libraries to the current version.  Expanded meta descriptions to additional pages.  Eliminated the sites home pages links to auto-shows, leaving them in the gallery where they belong.
Version 30.0 (December 2020): A complete redesign of the site structure that is invisible to the viewer.  Included are some information clarifications.
Version 29.1 (July 2020):  Support dropped for old Internet Explorer versions with a link for them in General Info; allows the use of modern js libraries. 
Version 29.0 (June 2020):  Major under-the-hood changes that are not visible include the proliferation of jQuery routines.  A minor change that might be noticed is a slight increase in the size of the menu font that improves site navigation.
Version 28.0: (February 2019)  v28.0 changes the way we open and close pages, completing our attempt to be more mobile-friendly.  The close button now is identical to the browser's back-arrow.  Using html5 & CSS3, our site passes the "mobile friendly" test, but it really is designed for larger displays.  I think our relatively small menu text and large photos are anything but friendly to phones, particularly for the large number of low-resolution iPhones.  But a granddaughter who has never seen a desktop monitor thinks it is fine (am I really that out-dated?).  So, although this release makes us more mobile-friendly, the desktop and larger tablets are still where our site is best viewed - where menus may be easily selected, and large photos are contained inside the screen.  Included in this release are some invisible code mods, and grammer and spelling corrections. 
Version 27.0: (July 2018)  We made connecting to the site secure by using ssl encryption.  There is no sensitive data on SCC but the state of the internet requires it.  We started modifications in an attempt to make our site more mobile-friendly - an ongoing process?
Version 26.1: (July 2017)  The exploding menu was installed on the site's home page.
Version 26.0: (March 2017)  This major release moves from a fixed-size page to one that expands to the size of the browser.
No information is available for previous releases.  Page versions can be found by viewing the page's source. (Ctrl/U)