An auto-show (auto-slide show) has faint control buttons in the upper-right corner that will light up on a mouse-over.  To view the photos manually, select the pause button button, and use the prev prev and next next buttons to cycle through the photos; the resume (play) play button restarts the cycle with the next-in-line image, the exit exit button exits and closes the window.  The first photo may linger a couple of seconds, and it may look weird for a second or two if the photos have not finished loading.

Grand Canyon Hike Photo Gallery - On the Trail

On the Trail Photo Gallery is photos of the trail and hikers on the South Kaibab Trail descending into the canyon from the southrim, and, after an overnight stay at Phantom Ranch, climbing out of the canyon on the North Kaibab Trail in Bright Angel Canyon. Select a tile to view its photo or View Photos for an auto-show of the photos.

On the Trail Dave 1  On the Trail Susan 3  On the Trail Steve 21  On the Trail Susan 5  On the Trail Steve 22  On the Trail Dave 5  On the Trail Dave 6 On the Trail Susan 13  On the Trail Dave 8  On the Trail Susan 17  On the Trail Susan 19  On the Trail Dave 18  On the Trail Dave 21  On the Trail Steve 30 On the Trail Dave 25  On the Trail Steve 29  River Trail Overlook  On the Trail Dave 30  On the Trail Dave 31  On the Trail Dave 32  On the Trail Dave 35 On the Trail Dave 37  On the Trail Dave 39  On the Trail Steve 42  On the Trail Steve 45  On the Trail Steve 47  On the Trail Steve 48  On the Trail Steve 49 On the Trail Steve 51  On the Trail Susan 37  On the Trail Steve 55  On the Trail Steve 56  On the Trail Dave 41  On the Trail Dave 42  On the Trail Steve 70 On the Trail Dave 59  On the Trail Susan 49  On the Trail Susan 51  On the Trail Dave 62  On the Trail Dave 69  On the Trail Dave 70  On the Trail Susan 52