Lake Mead National Recreation Area Photo Gallery

Photos of Lake Mead National Recreation Area include a diver looking at the propeller of the B-29 that crashed into Lake Mead, marinas, Hoover Dam, and Lake Mohave in Lake Mead NRA.  The exposed bath tub rings illustrate the depth of the ongoing drought - Lake Mead was at an historic low on July 1, 2016, 148 feet (45 meters) below full pool.

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Lake Mead & Boulder City  Callville Bay Marina  the Desert Princess  the Desert Princess  B29 in Lake Mead  Hemenway Harbor Boulder Basin  Desert Princess at Little Boulder Island  Lake Mead  Echo Bay Marina  Railway trail  Las Vegas Intake Hoover Dam  Hoover Dam Bypass walkway  Lake Mead in 1983  Lake Mead October 2010  Willow Beach road  Willow Beach RV park North Lake Mohave  Cottonwood Cove  Six Mile Cove  Katherine Landing  Lake Mohave at Davis Dam  1942 photo