Drought in the Colorado River Basin
This 25-year mega-drought (as of 2024) is the worst drought in 1,200 years [NPR News]. The Ancestral Puebloans left the four corners area around 1,200 years ago, presumably because of a 50-year drought [Edwin Barnhart, PhD, Maya Exploration Center]. Lake Powell and Lake Mead have been near all-time lows. The loss of water is significant, a combined loss of 13.73 trillion gallons. The declining elevations have been threatening to close the hydroelectric plants that supply electricity to millions of homes in the southwest, although, for the moment, that threat has lessened.
The Colorado River Basin provides life-preserving water for 40 million residents in seven southwestern US States and two Mexican States in this arid desert.
Lake Powell in the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area (GCNRA), created by Glen Canyon Dam, and Lake Mead in the Lake Mead National Recreation Area (LMNRA), created by Hoover Dam, the two largest reservoirs in the US, provide flood control and a steady water supply throughout the Basin, and economical electricity.
Cycling banner photos include Lake Powell at the dam, the San Juan Canyon arm of Lake Powell, a large houseboat in the Escalante Canyon arm of Lake Powell, Lake Mead at the dam, the Desert Princess paddlewheeler amid huge bathtub rings
near Hoover Dam, and silt in the dried-up eastern arm of Lake Mead where the Colorado enters LMNRA as it exits the Grand Canyon.
Precipitation in the Basin is 97% of average, rivers feeding Lake Powell are 58% of average, and snowpack is at 56% (July 7,2024). This graph for the year ended July 7,2024, shows the current status of Lake Powell, elevation down 119 feet (36.2 m), 40.6% of full pool, up 2.5 ft (.8 m) over last year's low, and this graph shows Lake Mead in recovery, elevation 157 ft (48 m) below full pool at 36.8% of full pool, 69 feet (19 m) below drought elevation.
The Photo Gallery provides beautiful scenery of Lake Powell and Lake Mead in drought with bathtub rings.
Deposits of calcium carbonate and other hard minerals on the darker-colored surface of the sandstone is what causes this water-bleached effect which is observable when the water levels are down - dramatically during drought.
Some of the photos in the gallery come from the Glen Canyon NRA (Lake Powell) and Lake Mead NRA articles, which have additional information and photos that pertain to their recreation areas.
The photo gallery has an auto-show of the gallery photos.
Satellite images are Lake Powell and Lake Mead NASA satellite image overlays in an auto-show that illustrate the progression of the drought.
Drought updates presents periodic updates with data and graphs of the lakes' elevations and basin snowpack. Drought defined discusses the probem of defining a drought, ultimately deferring to the National Drought Mitigation Center at the Unversity of Nebraska/Lincoln for our definition.
Basin drainage has a map of the drainage of the Colorado River Basin, with maps of the drainage basins of the three largest tributaries of the Colorado: Green River, San Juan River, and Gila River. Basin graphic is a graphical view of the Colorado River Basin.
Minute 319 & 323 provides information and photos on the historic agreements between the US and Mexico on the storage-and-release of Mexico's water allotment that allowed the Colorado River to reach the ocean (Gulf of California to the Pacific Ocean) in 2014 for the first time in 16 years.